[Cell Biology/Genetics/Evolution] Recorded cover

[Cell Biology/Genetics/Evolution] Recorded

Unlock the mysteries of cells with this comprehensive recorded course on Cell Biology!

Instructor: Kusum



This course on Cell Biology covers the fundamental principles and processes that govern the structure and function of cells. Students will explore topics such as cell division, cell signaling, organelle structure, and cellular metabolism in depth.

Key Highlights:

  • Fundamental principles of cell biology
  • Exploration of cell division and cell signaling processes
  • Understanding organelle structure and function
  • In-depth study of cellular metabolism

What you will learn:

  • Gain a deep understanding of cell biology concepts
    Learn the foundational principles and processes that govern cell structure and function.
  • Explore cellular processes like cell division and signaling
    Dive into the intricate processes that drive cell division, communication, and signaling pathways.
  • Study organelles and their vital roles within cells
    Understand the structure and function of organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, and more.
  • Learn about cellular metabolism and energy production
    Explore how cells generate energy through metabolic pathways and ATP production.
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